Please enjoy my slideshow of classic lapidary equipment of the mid 1960’s! These advertisements are directly out of lapidary magazines of the era.
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This slideshow of lapidary equipment advertisements comes out during the golden age of lapidary. It is quite a popular hobby in the 1960’s. These are hand set type in these old advertisements. Also, you can see the creativity to make these eye catching campaigns. In addition, there is old Saint Nick selling these machines. To purchase similar vintage lapidary machines of these models, please click HERE!
Some of the more popular current lapidary machine manufacturers include Highland Park Lapidary and Diamond Pacific Lapidary.

There are many companies such as Beacon Star, who are no longer in business. Furthermore, there are many lapidary companies who have either gone out of business, or are now part of other current lapidary companies.
Tucson Lapidary 1990 – 2025 © Schannep Ventures L.L.C. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED